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Our Mission

As a content provider, our mission is to provide consumers with trustworthy articles about all aspects of weight loss surgery. Our objective is to make Consumer Guide to Bariatric Surgery the most comprehensive and reliable resource for consumers as they consider bariatric surgery. The website is designed to support, not to replace the relationship between patient and physician.

We’re constantly adding new articles in order to stay relevant and to ensure you get the most credible resource available.

Here are some of the ways in which Consumer Guide to Bariatric Surgery differentiates itself:

To support the patient/physician relationship, we provide an online directory of weight loss surgeons, as well as an online directory of certified plastic surgeons and dermatologists that consumers can use to find a plastic surgeon or bariatric surgeon near them.

We hope you’ll find Consumer Guide to Bariatric Surgery an informative and useful resource as you explore the many aspects of weight loss surgery.